No fee, no frills. A bib is supplied with your name for you to print or you can make your own.
The objective of the "Défi Gars Filles" is to determine who of the girls or the boys will run the most kilometres. The winner gets bragging rights and a few prizes are raffled off. A fun concept which is gaining in popularity. The last 3 years, the event was held on the mountain, this year runners ran
in and around Parc Maisonneuve. Over a hundred runners participated. The girls rallied up to beat the boys, 104 vs 45 for a total of 1,063 kms for the girls to 794 kms for the boys. Bravo!
Phoenix runners Christiane Cantin and Christine Gadoury were there for the girls and
Pete ran for the boys. Pete took an early start at 5 am to take care of business!
Still standing after 80 km. | Nice watch. |