Congratulations to Sylvie Roy and Miguel Riano who represented Phoenix at the Marine Corps Marathon. They have both been training relentlesly on the wednesday night long runs. Good job guys!
Congratulations to Christophe Bernaud who has been working HARD at track and at the saturday runs for weeks, his efforts paid off today with a 1:40:26 PB at the Blainville Half Marathon! Good job Christophe! Congratulations to Chris Foroglou and Anna Maria Drouin who ran the 26km Tour du Mont-Royal Brébeuf. A really nice trail race in the hidden trails of Mount-Royal. It really is a nice event as described by Chris: "It was a lot of fun and I'll make best effort to run it again next year. My legs are finished though. There was more food at that race (before AND after) than any other I've been to! And we could wait in a warm gym for the race start, which was a big bonus on a day like today."
Congratulations to Sylvie Leduc, Claudio Cumetti and Susan Magher who finished 1st of 14 in her AG at the Toronto Waterfront Marathon!
A couple of fast times at the Classique! Congratulations to Shayan Mantegh in the 10k and Yisel Sequeda in the 5k. 5 km 10 km
Congratulations to Bruce Glasspoole who ran the Longueuil Half this sunday in 1:38:56, as he says, "Best in a while for me". Kuddos Bruce!!!
Congratulations to Lucy Emery, Guillaume Bailly, his brother Jerome and friend Cedric who ran the 23km Trail des Communes at the Domaine de Kervallon in France. Congratulations to Lucy who was third on the podium. Congratulations to Alan Miller, Melanie Miller and Susie Miller at the 11km Cross des Couleurs. Well done the Millers!
May 2024
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